Wednesday 2 July 2014

How to: create an emergency kit

Ever been in the middle of a meeting, or middle of a three hour long lecture and just wished you had brought some Advil to kick away that headache? Have you ever been out to lunch and had a great Cesar salad but didn't have gum or mouth wash to subside that garlic breath? 

It's happened to us all, and frankly, I got sick of it. Which is exactly why I created myself a purse/backpack emergency kit. This way, whenever I'm in a sticky situation, I know I'm covered for most of what comes my way. My emergency bag is a plain black Sephora makeup bag. It's not too big and as subtle as a makeup bag can be. 

This is what it contains:

Even if it's not my week, I take enough with me to last a whole day. You never know when a friend could be in need.

Hair Ties
The main purpose is quite obvious, but you can use hair ties for loads of purposes. Plus, having extras in case yours breaks is great. 

Can I just say: Duh?! Seriously, this is a must. 

Body Spray
If it's humid outside, if you've come back from a quick lunch walk or even if you're a smoker, this is a great item to have. 

Mouth Wash
I keep this because I find that it kills more bacteria and in turn bad breath than just a piece of gum.

Mint gum
Sure these are great for covering up some bad breath, but chewing them also help me with my upset stomachs. Weird, I know.

Hand Sanitizer
Really? Like I had to mention this one. 

Band Aids
Great for cuts and blisters. (and those painful shoes!)

Hand Lotion 
Mine has Aloe Vera in it. I use this quite often, should my hands be really dry in the winter or to help me soothe a bug bite in the summer. 

Pepto Bismol Tablets 
Just in case... you really never know when you could need these. 

Advil or Tylenol
For those darn headaches

Winter: Cold season
Summer: Allergy season

Catch my drift? 

That's about it. If you guys have other types of "emergency kits", please feel free to let us know by commenting below or emailing

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